
A Lua parser written in JavaScript, with support for the PICO-8 flavour.
Luaparse is originally written by Oskar Schöldström for his bachelor's thesis at Arcada.

pico8parse uses a set of "features" to describe Lua versions. Here is the list of what each feature means and for the parsing of which version of Lua it is used.

feature name 5.1 5.2 5.3 LuaJIT 0.2.1 0.2.2 0.2.3 0.2.4 0.2.4c 0.2.5 description
noTrailingDotInHexNumeral x Lua < 5.2 does not accept eg 0x.A
labels x x x x x x x x x -
emptyStatement x x x x x x x x ; is considered an empty statement
hexEscapes x x x x x x x x x "\x42"
skipWhitespaceEscape x x x x x x x x x "\z "
strictEscapes x x x x x x x x x raises an error on an unknown escape sequence
relaxedBreak x x x x x x x x break may not be the last statement in a block
unicodeEscapes x x "\u{0042}"
bitwiseOperators x x x x x x x ~a, `a
integerDivision x a // b
contextualGoto x -
imaginaryNumbers x valid suffixes is i (case-insensitive)
integerSuffixes x valid suffixes are: LL and ULL (case-insensitive)
strictP8FileFormat x x x x x x expects pico-8 header and section (eg __lua__)
p8Sections x x x x x x list of the section delimiters
binLiteral x x x x x x accepts eg 0b101010
noExponentLiteral x x x x x x does not accept eg 1e-1
singleLineIf x x x x x x if (a) print(a)
singleLineWhile x x x x x x while (a) print(a)
singleLinePrint x x x x x x ?a
assignmentOperators x x x x x x a += 1
traditionalNotEqual x x x x x x a != b
traditionalComments x x x x x x // this is a comment
noDeepLongStringComments x x x x x x --[=[]=] can not be a multiline comment
bitshiftAdditionalOperators x x x x x x a >>> b, a >>< b and a <<> b
peekPokeOperators x x x x x x @a, %a and $a
backslashIntegerDivision x x x x x x integer division // is done with \
smileyBitwiseXor x x x x x x a ^^ b
p8scii x x x x x additional string escape sequences
singleLinePrintNoLineDependency x x x x a = 0 ?a
allowEmptySingleLineIf x x x x if (a) ;
allowEmptySingleLineWhile x x x x while (a) ;
allowAnyBeforeSingleLineIf x x x without, a blank or number must preceded a singleLineIf
allowAnyBeforeSingleLineWhile x x x without, a blank or number must preceded a singleLinewhile
p8MetaSections x x enables additional __meta:somestring__ sections
alsoNormalBitwiseXor x re-enables a ~ b (xor)

the strictP8FileFormat feature can be disable with the option ignoreStrictP8FileFormat

Unsorted Notes

.. and quite surely outdated.

About File Format and Sections

The PICO-8 file format (.p8, text) defines a set of rules that must be followed for a file to be correctly loaded:

pico-8 cartridge // http://www.pico-8.com
version VER

About Other PICO-8 Specific Features

The added syntaxes for singleLine[..] are pretty broken, see this test for some kind of overview.

With singleLineIf, the following becomes valid (note the 'do'):

   if ::= 'if' '(' exp ')' 'do' block {elif} ['else' block] 'end'

This snippet has an error (missing space after "name()" -- fixed above 0.2.4):

function name()if (exp) block

This snippet prints "no":

if (1) do local a = "yes"
    print(a or "no")

And so does this on:

if (nil) else do local a = "yes"
    print(a or "no")

So the actual added syntax is closer to:

   if ::= '\s' 'if' '(' exp ')'
         [ block [ 'else' [ 'do' block_else_do '\n' ]
                 ] '\n'
         | [ 'do' block_if_do '\n'
           | 'then'
           ] block_if_then {elif} ['else' block] 'end'

.. where block_if_do has for parent block_if_then and block_else_do has for parent block_else_then...

singleLineIf and singleLineWhile cannot be empty; if (1) error, if (1) else no error, if (1) end do no error (closing with a proper 'end') while (1) error